Get individualized action steps, accountability, and healing support to make your deepest wish your reality
Get individualized action steps, accountability, and healing support to make your deepest wish your reality
If you are wanting to get moving on your vision now and not later and you are not ready for a group experience, coaching is a great way to go.
Commit yourself to what you want and show up for the process, step by step, and you will be amazed at what happens.
I have been guiding women on their love life for over 15 years. My coaching is a combination of loving reflection/feedback, practices, NLP/mindset work, and modern spirituality. When you work with me, we will get clear on your vision and next steps, we will do some magic clearing out the past, and then we will debrief on your actions and findings until you have what you want. I request a minimum time commitment of 3 months to get momentum and see your results unfold.
Note: While I love therapy and have my own individual therapist and couples therapist, coaching is different. I do not specialize in childhood trauma or sexual trauma at this point in my career so for those places, I recommend having a therapist in tandem with our process.
Before you begin coaching, you will be sent some important questions to answer and focus our work
We will meet on the phone or zoom for 50 minutes, usually 2 weeks apart but schedule is flexible. I will guide our conversations with questions and share resources based on where you’re at.
Afterward, I’ll send any notes to capture highlights of our conversations.
We will check in on your commitments in between sessions to make sure they are happening. If they are not happening, I will provide guidance on anywhere you are stuck.
You are also welcome to email me in between sessions if you have questions, concerns, celebrations.
If you are ready for coaching this season, let’s chat…